
Summer Solstice Pt. 2: Season of the Royal Cat People

Lions growl, 

Lions roar

Lions are fire

to the core.

Lions rule

as if by fate,

Lions guard

the lion’s gate.

Lions purr.

Lions love.

Lion’s heart

What we’re made of.

Lions of Judah,

Lions of pride,

We naturally shine

inside divine.

We own Kundalini

a Lion’s spine.

Lions leave pawprints

impossible to forget,

bloodthirsty forjustice,

Lion Sehkmet.

Lions hunt

the grounds we run, 

Lions are born

seeds of the Sun.

-iiiYansaje T. Muse


CHANNELED SONG: I Am the Black Gold of the Sun, Rotary Connection

Summer Solstice is a universally allotted time to go within for restoration and deeper clarity.  They are times of retreat, self enjoyment and reflection. Summer Solstice is a fermenting space between Spring Equinox’s essence of rebirth and Autumn Equinox’s harvest energy.

I like to think of changing seasons as scene changes in life’s stage play. Summer Solstice is one of four of Mother Nature’s set scenery shifts. The word solstice derives from the Latin word “solstitium,” with sol meaning “sun” and “sistere” meaning “to be still”. The sun rules zodiac hous5, Leo. 

 At the peak, the climax of Summer Solstice, we come out of Cancerian emotional energy, and into that which sets our hearts aflame! Energetically, we take the emotional revelations of the moon season, and charge them in divine purpose. Since Leo rules the heart and the spine, you may find yourselves getting bold in the backbone…and having a lot more heart. Internally, this season takes us to the core of our hearts, and challenges our divine audacity.

 Leo is the fixed fire of the zodiac, and fixed fire masters control. I like to call it the simmer. This can be balanced or imbalanced, depending on what the focus of control is. When that focus is on controlling self, it is an energy of mastery. When it is used to control others, the Leo energy can be a destructive dictatorship. 

Leo energy stimulates the royal self in us all! We are the ONLY zodiac sign ruled by the Sun, as all other planets orbit around it. The sun charges all in the solar system, and Leo people must embrace this divine right with balanced humility. On the other side of that balance, Leo sun people should also keep a balance in self care and nurture, as we are often left to recharge ourselves…much like the sun.

Leo season also stimulates creativity…so let your creative juices flow!  Willpower increases, so ride that new surge of motivation! It’s alright if this happens…it is even a good thing! The Universe is only calling an area of your being to your attention that needs tobe more creative, to embrace your inner royalty! Ways to do this include:

  • Taking Up Panting, Poetry, or any other means of creativity!

  • Say what you mean and mean what you say.

  • Put your actions behind your deepest convictions…boldly.

  • Enjoy Luxurious Energy!

  • Treat yourself,

  • Makeovers to be in your most royal body! 

  • Really listen to your heart!

  • Yoga is your friend(Leo rules the spine)

  • If you live the Ifa/Orisa life, make offerings to Obatala!

Sun charging!

Leo season even has its own built-in holiday/cosmic event, The Lions Gate. This year’s Lion’s Gate will be more intense than ever, as it is on an 888 vibe! 2024 is an 8 year, so make sure that you make very special prayer/manifestation plans. This year’s Lion’s Gate portal is on a very high vibe level. Don’t miss out!

The Sun sits still, and lengthens His days so we can bask in it the heat longer. 

The lengthiness of the sun invokes us to sweat.

 That sweat invokes detox, physical and spiritual. 

That detox invokes purification. 

That purification calls us to hydrate. 

That hydration creates replenishment!

That replenish makes us radiate! 

This year, Leo season began on a full moon in its opposite house, Aquarius. This cosmic alignment brought about a huge energetic balance, and possible surge for Leo sun people. This planetary alignment echoes the alignment from the 12 Figures of African Spirituality. This zodiac system predates the standard western one. In this system, Leo season aligns with the signs “The Witch and the Judge” and “The Kola Nut.”  

We are in this suncharge space from July22nduntil August 22nd.At that time, the fixed fire, gives way to mutable earth. The sunset of summer solstice is Virgo…and there’s where I save the cosmic juice for the Summer Solstice article part 3:Season of the Virgo!

To deeper connect with Leo energy no matter what your sun sign is, study the placements of the sun, the 5thhouse, and the placements of Leo energy in your natal chart. Also, make sure that you show the Leo children in your life some love as WE turn up in OUR season, especially if you are reading this. Why? Because the Founder of TRE Magazine is one of us! Leos stand up!

Should you need assistance in understanding how your inner Leo connects to your overall being, then book a video reading session via the link at the bottom of this article, or call 314.200.0368 between the hours of 3pm and 8pm CST. The rate is $2.22/min. As always, beam up (tune in) to 222.9 The Mothership Internet Radio for more where this came from, infused in a24/7 groove of old skool music and mystic teaching!

Ase in Love, 

iiiYansaje T. Muse

*********P.S. Explore The Mothership’s Whole Orbit Here!*********


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