Society’s standards for outer beauty are narrow. Beauty is in everything and everyone. We just need to tap into it.
Confidence is Beautiful is a platform sharing stories about beauty from the perspective of those who aren’t always seen as beautiful. Beauty around the world is European driven and female-focused and many times what we called inner beauty, doesn’t even register. This new project, Confidence is Beautiful, wants to expand, and also redefine what is beauty by looking at beauty from different social groups outside of our current social beauty standards.

Love Thyself
The project kicked off in January of this year with stories from six African-American women sharing how they what they find beautiful about themselves. With their stories you will find that those things that made us once feel awkward or strange are the exact things that as older women, gives them confidence.
This first group are friends who meet for dinner monthly. One month they invited me to share in their dinner” said Donna Jackson, the creator of Confidence. “As I looked around the table, I saw the diversity in their skin, hair, and lives. I also felt that each of them was comfortable in their bodies and skin. I loved it and thought they would be a perfect start for this project.”
Through out the year, Donna and her team will continue to collect stories that expand from women over 60 to LGBTQ.
Show your support
Support this project, DMJStudio is selling Confidence is Beautiful products (shirts and more). A great gift to give to someone beautiful in your life. Use this link to get the discounted prices!
If after hearing their stories you want to share yours, you can – no matter what culture, gender, sexual orientation or age. You can share by visiting
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