
2025 is Oya’s Year…Ready for Changes?

2024 brought lots of inner and external revelations, and the seeing of other’s true colors.

It was an 8 year, the number sacred to infinity, karma, and the Orisa Obatala. Obatala is the King of the Orisas, whose essence is represented by humility, patience, creativity, wisdom, and keeping a cool head.

He is the owner of the white cloth, or the constant strive for spiritual purity. This purity happens by impurities in one’s life being brought to the surface, so they can be cleansed out. 2024 did that for us.

2025, however, is 9 year, sacred to the Orisa Oya! She is the warrior goddess essence that represents changes, transformations, sudden upheavals, and life’s ever-changing winds! She is also the mother of the ancestors, an executioner of justice to women and children, and the mother of the marketplace. She is the guardian of wisdom and the mysteries.

9 is the number of finality and intuition. It is the inverted 6, and this number holds a mystic and transformational power.

What does all of this mean for 2025? We can look forward to Oya’s bringing those winds of change! She will bring gentle breezes to some, and land tornadoes on others. The inner changes will become more apparent, and all of our usual zones of comfort will change. As Mother of the Marketplace, She has also made Her presence known with the lightning strikes of three major structures on Earth: The Empire State Building, The U.S. Capitol, and The Washington Monument. Lightning is sacred to Sango, Oya’s husband. Some patakis (sacred stories) reveal that Sango received lightning from Oya.

If 9 is your personal year for 2025, then remember that nothing leaves that is meant to stay, and nothing stays that is meant to leave. I used to believe that 9 years are meant to be rough, but not so. They are, however a time to keep in mind that nothing stays that is meant to leave, and nothing leaves that is meant to stay. Happy New Year…on March 21st, of course!

Ase in Love,

iiiYansaje T. Muse

The Blaq Madonna of the Airwaves

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image by H. Hughes



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